What is it?

Enzovax is a vaccine that reduces the incidence of abortion in sheep caused by the
bacteria Chlamydophila abortus (Enzootic Abortion of Ewes). EAE Is one of the most
common causes of abortion in sheep.

Chlamydophila abortus is spread from sheep to sheep through contact with infected
aborted materials (aborted lambs and placentas) and shedding of the bacteria by
bought-in carrier animals. Control of the spread of disease can be attempted by
maintaining a closed flock, removing aborted materials as soon as possible,
practising strict hygiene procedures and vaccinating with Enzovax.

How does it Work?

Dose: 2 ml by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection.

Ewe lambs, where it is intended to breed from them, may be vaccinated from 5
months of age.
Shearlings and older ewes should be vaccinated during the 4 month period prior to
Vaccination must take place at least 4 weeks before mating.
Re-vaccination is recommended every 3-4 years depending on farm management
practices and conditions.
This vaccine can be administered on the same day as but not mixed with Toxovax.
The two vaccines should be given at separate sites.
After reconstitution the vaccine should be kept cool and used as soon as possible
(within 2 hours).

Withdrawal: meat and offal 7 days.

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“Animal Health Ireland estimate the annual cost of BVD to Irish herds totals €102 million.”

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