What is it?

Bovilis INtranasal RSP Live is a modified live, intranasal vaccine that protects against two important respiratory viruses, RSV and PI3.

bovilis intranasal rsp live

How to use:

Route of administration: Intranasally

Dose: 2ml dose

Calves can be vaccinated with Bovilis INtranasal RSP Live from the Day of Birth. Vaccinated calves will have protection against RSV and PI3 within 7 days of vaccination. The duration of protection against these common viruses is 12 weeks. Each pack contains two vials; a dried powder (lyophilisate) and a diluent (solvent). Once mixed, the light orange solution is ready to use.
The shelf life is six hours from the time of mixing.

Withdrawal periods: Cattle: Milk – 0 hours, meat – 0 days

Why Should I use it?

Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is the most significant cause of deaths among calves greater than one month of age. BRD has a huge negative impact on growth and performance of both beef and dairy animals. Therefore, Consequences of the disease can manifest later in life with decreased milk production in the first lactation and decreased daily weight gain. For example, a dairy heifer calf can produce up to 120 kg less in her first lactation while beef animals can take up to 2 months longer to finish.

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“Animal Health Ireland estimate the annual cost of BVD to Irish herds totals €102 million.”

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