What is it?

Bovilis Bovivac-S is the only vaccine available to protect cattle against the effects of infection
with Salmonella dublin and Salmonella typhimurium.

Carrier animals can be a source of infection to others. These animals can appear to be in
normal health. Carrier animals are more likely to shed Salmonella during periods of stress
such as drying off, housing or calving. Underlying conditions such as BVD or liver fluke
infestation can also cause carriers to shed the bacteria. Salmonella can also be spread by
wild birds, rodents, contaminated feed, or water. The bacteria can live in slurry for several
months and in soil for over a year.

The symptoms of salmonellosis in cattle include diarrhoea, abortion, pneumonia, joint ill,
gangrene and septicaemia. Humans can become infected with Salmonella bacteria from
cattle, which can be potentially fatal.

Methods of control of salmonellosis on farm include culling, biosecurity, maintaining a
closed herd and vaccination with Bovilis Bovivac-S

How to use:

Dose: Calves up to 6 months of age – 2ml
Adult cattle – 5ml

Route of Administration: Subcutaneous use.

Where diagnosis of salmonellosis caused by Salmonella dublin and/or Salmonella
typhimurium has been confirmed, all at risk adult cattle, including lactating cows, dry
cows, heifers, barren cows, and in-contact bulls (but excluding any with overt clinical
signs of salmonellosis), should receive two 5ml injections separated by an interval of
21 days.
Pregnant cows that have not calved within 8 weeks of the second dose of vaccine
should receive a further 5ml dose of Bovilis Bovivac S 3-4 weeks pre-calving.
Calves can be vaccinated from 3 weeks of age and require 2 injections given 3
weeks apart.
All cattle vaccinated with the primary vaccination course of Bovilis Bovivac S should
receive a 5ml booster injection at least two weeks prior to each period of risk or at
intervals of not more than 12 months thereafter.
Pregnant cows and heifers that have received their primary vaccination course can
receive a booster injection 3-4 weeks prior to calving.

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“Animal Health Ireland estimate the annual cost of BVD to Irish herds totals €102 million.”

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